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Save on training costs

Fund your training

Available to eligible employers, the Canada-Alberta Job Grant allows you to invest in training initiatives for your current and future employees. This is a great opportunity to substantially lower your training costs while developing the skills of your existing workforce, attracting and retaining skilled employees, and increasing competitiveness and productivity.

Which NorQuest programs and courses qualify?

Training is eligible for the Canada-Alberta Job Grant if:

  • The program/course duration is equivalent to 21 hours or greater.
  • The program/courses are completed within 52 weeks of the grant approval date.
  • The program/courses are started within six months of the grant approval date.
  • Completion results in some form of credential.

Training funded by the Canada-Alberta Job Grant can be delivered on campus at NorQuest College, at an employer site, online, or blended. Both individual enrolment and group training are eligible for funding.

Learn more about the Canada-Alberta Job Grant.

Need help applying?

Our team is here for you every step of the way. We can help you choose the right program, enrol for courses, and provide help with your funding application.