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Continuing Education

Don’t just hope for success; achieve it here 

Custom training

When your team is confident, empowered, and able to meet the demands of their role, you can experience higher staff retention and better results throughout your organization. 

NorQuest provides completely customized training solutions to help you reach your business goals. Our highly experienced team will work directly with you to determine the program material and delivery method to meet your immediate and long-term needs. 

Create a confident workforce that's ready to tackle any challenge.

Learn more about custom training

  • I see lifelong learning as a source of energy and empowerment, a tool to discover new things and remain curious, and a means to enjoy life to the fullest by meeting great people and minds along the way.

    — Tatsiana Haidukevich
  • NorQuest College made it super easy to build a custom program that really hit all the key points we were targeting for. The instructor was very engaging with our team members and really made the program come alive!

    — Amanda Lorenzo

In-demand training to help you shape your career and reach your goals 

98% of Canadians agree that lifelong education is important. In a world that changes and advances rapidly, keeping up with industry shifts is crucial for your career success. Find a program that aligns with your interests and supports your career goals.