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Comparative Literature and Popular Culture - CLTR 2228

This course will explore a variety of popular literary and visual forms, and examine the history, social functions, and concerns of popular fiction and visual cultures. Potential genres of study may include graphic novels, romance, science fiction, detective fiction/mystery, young adult literature, and slam and other forms of popular poetry, as well as visual art forms such as documentary, social media, and graffiti art. Using these texts as a lens, students will explore how the phenomenon of popularity and “mass appeal” relates to issues of cultural capital and literary taste. Particular attention will be paid to defining popular culture across time and place, and examining the role of audiences and their reception of popular forms of representation.

Note: Restricted to Arts & Science, Therapeutic Rec and Open Studies

Term Duration Schedule Class Section Open Studies


Winter Jan 6 - Apr 11, 2025 Thu: 11:00 am - 02:00 pm
11017 A01 No

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