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Indigenous Resolution Strategies - JUST 2202

In this course, students will explore the concept of justice within an Indigenous context. Students will have the opportunity to critically examine the historical and contemporary experiences of Indigenous peoples of Canada in relation to law enforcement, law and legislation, corrections, the court system, community involvement, and theories about the overrepresentation of Indigenous people involved with the justice system. Indigenous worldviews will be examined, along with the role of protocol and ceremony in decision making. Indigenous governance and traditional dispute resolution forms and strategies will be explored in the contexts of healing and reconciliation.

Note: Prerequisites: INST 2000 OR (JUST 1101 and JUST 1102) Restricted to Indigenous Studies and Justice

Term Duration Schedule Class Section Open Studies


Winter Jan 6 - Apr 25, 2025 Fri: 11:00 am - 02:00 pm
11337 A01 No

To take this course, you must be enrolled in one of the related programs:

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