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Community Support Worker

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Community Support Worker

The Community Support Worker program is an eight-month certificate designed to develop fundamental knowledge, skills, and attitudes in students to work with marginalized communities and individuals. Graduates are expected to work at the front line of human-service delivery settings.

Gloria Salamanca Rios - Community Support Worker

To all those people, I say thank you. Every day there are new students who have so many different challenges. The support of people and businesses gives us motivation and encourages us to keep working hard so we can look forward to the future.

What to expect from the program

The following are some of the agencies and organizations that provide these services:

  • street work organizations
  • group homes
  • emergency shelters
  • settlement agencies
  • cultural organizations
  • child and family service agencies
  • Indigenous service agencies
  • cultural societies
  • personal and in-home supports for persons with disabilities
  • services that support older adults

Graduate with experience

NorQuest College believes in the importance of on-the-job experience that provides an enriched learning opportunity.

You’ll graduate this program with 200 hours of work experience from a practicum and 45 hours from a practicum seminar.

Career opportunities

Graduates of this program can explore career opportunities in front-line human service-delivery settings, such as:

  • Indigenous child and family service agencies
  • Street work organizations
  • Group homes and emergency shelters
  • Immigrant settlement agencies
  • Ethno-specific community service organizations
  • Organizations that provide personal/in-home supports to people living with disabilities and older adults.
For more information on related careers see:

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