Every dollar you donate goes toward our 1000 Women recipients. Through your contributions, we can help more students make incredible achievements that, for the longest time, only existed in their dreams.
Your donation provides a gift that never stops giving. With a pledge of only $83 a month, you can make a $1000 contribution over a year.
100% of proceeds will go to 1000Women4STEM to remove barriers for struggling students pursuing a STEM-related diploma.
After submitting your donation, you’ll receive an email with your tax receipt.
Privacy notification statement
The NorQuest College Foundation and Alumni Associations operate as charities to provide educational opportunities and support college operations. The foundation and alums' privacy policy are to comply with applicable portions of the Alberta Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) and Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). The personal information collected on this form will be used and disclosed to record your donation to comply with the federal Income Tax Act and to determine your eligibility for foundational services, scholarships, bursaries, or awards. NorQuest College respects your privacy and does not share or sell donor information. By submitting this information, you agree to allow NorQuest College to contact you regarding your donation or other related activities that may interest you. You can unsubscribe at any time. For information about the collection and use of this information, contact the Director, Fund Development and Alumni Relations, NorQuest College, Centre 108, 10215 – 108 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5J 1L6, Tel 780.644.6145, advancement@norquest.ca.