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Apprenticeship Prep

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Apprenticeship Prep

What it costs

The amounts listed are based on a full-time course load and are estimates, so should not be used as actual numbers. All amounts listed are in Canadian (CAD) currency.

If you are planning on taking a part-time course load, try our tuition and fees estimator to get an idea of how much it will cost you.

Students are responsible for purchasing their needed supplies including:

  • paper, pens, highlighters, index cards, binders, backpacks, etc.
  • safety goggles, measuring tape, calipers
  • steel-toed safety boots, work gloves, and coveralls
Tuition estimate+ Fees estimate= Total estimate
Term 1 $12,032 + $1,234.90 = $13,266.90
Term 2 $3,008 + $216.35 = $3,224.35
Total estimate $15,040 + $1,451.25 = $16,491.25

Visit Tuition and fees for more details on the various fees for your program.

Tuition estimate+ Fees estimate= Total estimate
Term 1 $38,304 + $1,234.90 = $39,538.90
Term 2 $9,576 + $216.35 = $9,792.35
Total estimate $47,880 + $1,451.25 = $49,331.25

Visit Tuition and fees for more details on the various fees for your program.

Grant funding may be available to qualified students. The Government of Alberta offers financial support called Foundational Learner Assistance.


Credits needed for full-time status: 19 credits per term

Term 1 - 16 weeks, 6 courses
Computer Skills and Communication COMP10154 credits
Employability and Safety Skills I EMPL10154 credits
Apprenticeship Prep Math MATH10048 credits
Apprenticeship Prep Science SCNC10008 credits
Apprenticeship Prep Science-Lab SCNC10016 credits
Workplace Culture EMPL10202 credits
Term 2 - 12 weeks, 1 course

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