Practicum/work experience requirements
Field Experience/Work-Integrated Learning Requirements
Before you attend your field experience, you will need:
These documents must be obtained no more than six months prior to the start date of each field experience.
You must be 18 years of age or older in order to obtain these documents. All documentation must be uploaded using the self-serve Student Document Attachment tile on your MyQuest Student Homepage 45-days prior to the start of your field experience. If you are unable to submit the required documentation by the deadline, you may be required to defer your field experience until you are able to provide them.
A field experience cannot be guaranteed if you have a positive Police Information Check and/or Intervention Record Check. If your Police Check is not clear, and/or if you have an open/active file with Children's Services please discuss this with our Program Chair before applying for the program.
There may be costs associated with completing these requirements. See Completing work, practicum, and clinical requirements for details and further instructions.
International students: You must obtain a co-op work permit before beginning the work-integrated learning component of the program. A medical exam may also be needed. See Co-op work permit for more information.