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Foundations for Learning

Foundations for Learning

What it costs

Each course costs $150 plus fees ($302.50) and books.  Upgrading and college preparation courses are offered online anytime with free tutoring available at the local Community Adult Learning Program (CALP) centre. 

Bursary opportunities are available to learners working with their local CALP. Please speak with your local CALP for further information.

English language training courses are offered online real-time at CALP centres around Alberta.


Courses are delivered online:

  • real-time for ESL learners
  • anytime with continuous intakes in partnership with Community Adult Learning Programs

Complete this form to register.

Online real-time courses

Online real-time courses allow students to take part in a real-time class-like setting. Using web conferencing, instructors and students meet online at a specific time of the day. Online tutorial service is also available from 8:00 am - 4:30 pm on weekdays. Real-time courses may be available during the fall, winter, and spring terms.

Online anytime courses

Online anytime courses allow students to learn on the day of the week and time of the day that work best for them. Students are given the flexibility of choosing their own study schedule or using the one suggested by the instructor. Some courses will be scheduled with set start and end dates, while others may be scheduled with a flexible start and end date (open entry/open exit).
Watch a video about online anytime courses

Studying Math?

We recommend you take this short Math self-placement test to help you choose the appropriate math course for you.

Credits needed for full-time status: 9 credits per term

Have a question about the Foundations for Learning program?