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Teaching English as a Second Language

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Teaching English as a Second Language

What it costs for September 2024

Your tuition may vary depending on the number of courses taken per term.

Tuition estimate+ Fees estimate= Total estimate
Term 1 $1,374 + $0 = $1,374
Term 2 $823 + $0 = $823
Total estimate $2,197 + $0 = $2,197

Visit Tuition and fees for more details on the various fees for your program.

Tuition estimate+ Fees estimate= Total estimate
Total estimate $0 + $0 = $0

Visit Tuition and fees for more details on the various fees for your program.

Courses for September 2024

Not all courses are offered every term. See Part-time study options for what you should know if you choose to study part-time.

Term 1, 6 courses
Theory of Teaching and Learning XLAN30000 credits
Linguistics XLAN30010 credits
Communication Skills XLAN30020 credits
Teaching in Specific Contexts XLAN30030 credits
Reflecting on Teaching and Learning XLAN30040 credits
TESL 1 Practicum XLAN30050 credits

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